Welcome to “At Waters Edge”

Spooked by the Coronavirus, we rushed home from London on March 13, 2020 – two weeks ahead of schedule. We work hard to remain healthy and fit, so we didn’t worry about getting ill. The fear was being marooned an ocean away from home. I continue to work to travel so it was a tough decision to cut short a trip to our favourite big city. We enjoy living different places and enjoying different lifestyles and London never bores.

Eventually, medical science will control Covid-19. However, its occurrence may have a lingering effect on many, similar to the one left me by the Montreal ice storm of over 20 years ago. Every time I hear that machine-gun rattle of ice pellets on my window, my heart skips a beat. Will the real or imagined possibility of another rapidly spreading virus cause changes to where and how people live, work, and play?

The Urge to Write

I retired in June 2011. I wanted to and I have continued working with clients that I enjoy. Also, I wanted to try my hand at writing a newsletter on what I see as evolving trends. Procrastination set in for a few reasons.

  • I find it difficult to start a new project
  • I don’t know why anyone would want to read my thoughts on a changing world
  • I don’t know if I have the stamina to keep it up but I will try

The Coronavirus pandemic has motivated me to start the “At Waters Edge” newsletters. I think that it is a good time to share observations and to start a conversation about accelerated trends and the changes we will see in human behaviour over the coming months and years. Some of the topics that I think will deserve attention:

  • Homes
  • Keeping fit
  • Work spaces
  • Food
  • Discretionary spending
  • The fashion industry
  • Community design
  • Origination and distribution of goods
  • Education and life skills
  • The hospitality industry
  • Co-working and Co-living

There will be many more topics to bring into the conversation but this is where I will start.

Wash your hands, practice social distancing, hydrate, and exercise! Keep well!

Note: The attached PDF is the original news letter. At the outset it was called What’s Next? There are many changes to the original text.